The WPF will be governed by Congress.
the members of Congress( General Assembly) are the WPF’s President, Board of Directors, Executive Board members, and the representatives of the affiliated National Associations/ Federation.
a. The Congress shall be convened in principle once in every two years in conjunction with the World Championship at the same venue, if in the event that a scheduled World Championship is postponed, then accordingly the corresponding General Meeting shall also be postponed until such time as the next World Championship is organized.
b. Any National Federation wishing to submit points or issues for inclusion in the agenda of a session of the Congress should submit full details of the same to the Secretary- General, at least 70 days prior to the scheduled date of the General Meeting.
c. The General Meeting may, as a rule, examine only those items listed on the agenda, with the exception of any item in respect of which 2/3 of members present with voting rights, may additionally propose for discussion.
The convening of an extraordinary meeting is required of members convened on the initiative of the Board Directors or at the request of one-fourth of the Executive Board Members and endorsed by the President of the WPF. The Extraordinary General Assembly will only decide on the agenda of the meeting.
A. The purpose of the elective congress is to elect the president, the Executive Board, and the permanent commissions. which is called at the initiative of the Executive Board during the year of Olympic Games. they will be elected for four years.
B. the First Vice President, The Secretary General and The Treasurer are proposed and appointed by the president of WPF.
C. all candidatures for each position which candidate wishes to be elected must their request reach the WPF office in writing at least 60 days before the Elective Congress.
D. The election of members of the Executive Board and commissions will be carried out by the full member National Associations.
E. the candidatures of the Executive Board and commissions must be a member of one of the affiliated National Association.
F. the election will take place at the Congress with a secret ballot.
G. when two candidates have an equal number of votes, second voting will take
place between the same candidates, if there be a tie between two candidates for two rounds of voting, an additional candidate may be presented.
H. to be elected at the first ballot a majority of the votes cast is required.
I. if an absolute majority is not obtained by a candidate, supplementary rounds will be held and the election will require only a relative majority.
J. Two representatives of recognized National Federations who are the founders of the WPF shall have to participate in General Assembly with two voting rights.